Bike Description
Blue pgo pmx 50cc moped. Has been damaged during theft. (No front headlight part and only one rearview mirror). Has PMX in yellow on side at back.Theft Description
BIKERS BE ON HIGH ALERT IN DERBY THIEVES ARE ON PROWL EVERY NIGHT AND TAKE ANYTHING UP TO 4 BIKES A NIGHT AND END UP BURNING THE FRAME AND ANY EVIDENCE AFTER SELLING PARTS (been given a few names and addresses (even found parts from my other bikes that were stolen in one of the thieves garden) however both public and police unable to do ANYTHING as the thieves are youths/teenagers) their parents side with the children despite their names being mentioned by almost every person that has had a bike taken..... Rented Garage broken in to and 3 motorbikes and thousands of pounds worth of tools taken. Padlocks on exterior cut off cleanly, heavy duty bike chains x2 cut cleanly off and disc lock with alarm cut off cleanly. 2 bikes have been damaged and recovered. There is still my girlfriends first ever bike outstanding. PGO PMX 50cc. Theft happened between Thurs 13th 11pm to Friday 9am. Police informed, fingerprints and photos taken by police. Please email with any information please.