Stolen Honda CBR125 (GX67 UZU)

, 06/11/2023
  • Registration Plate

    GX67 UZU

  • Mileage


  • Colour


  • Frame Number


  • Stolen From


  • Stolen When


  • Crime Reference Number


Bike Description

White CBR125R with blue and red stripes, a big bore pipe and a blue SC Project exhaust. Small dent on top of petrol tank.

Theft Description

The bike was stolen from the langney area in Eastbourne around 9pm on Monday 06/11. The locks were broken and the bike was taken along with the black cover used for it. It seems it may have been spotted going up Friday Street in Eastbourne, possibly headed towards the hailsham area, but other information puts it on one of the roads leading off from Friday Street in Penine Way. That can lead off to Pevensey/Westham and then to Hastings. Nothing has been seen of the bike after that.
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