Bikers United was launched in September 2018 and this is our project timeline.
Website launch
The first milestone is the launch of this website. It’s functional, if not a little basic but we’ve got plans to improve it. At the moment the site lets you report your stolen bike, helping you raise awareness and allowing other bikers to keep an eye out for it locally and online.
Improved core functionality
It takes 5 minutes to dream up a list of what Bikers United should be able to do. However it takes a lot of time, effort and money to get those ideas into motion.
We’re working on our second development milestone now; the ability for you to report suspicious activity and dodgy sellers. We feel this functionality is crucial in order to enable the thousands of bikers around the country to document what they’ve seen. These micro-snippets of information could mean the difference between a criminal getting prosecuted or walking away, scot free.
Geo-location & Mapping
We’ve built this site in such a way that we’re able to collect basic location data of where bikes have been stolen from. In due course, we’ll develop this functionality to allow bikers to report their bike and suspicious activity with a much more accurate location, based on a postcode.
This provides two main benefits – people can more accurately see where a bike was stolen from and also we can send users notifications that a bike has been stolen within a set radius of their location. Users will be able to specify that distance and the site will send you a notification, enabling you to keep your guard up if there is a bike theft or suspicious activity in your area.
Real World Project #1
We want to trial a few interesting projects with your support. These projects are basic initiatives that will help us try and catch criminals.
The first project involves a local poster and postal campaign. Regardless of whether it is successful or not, we’ll have data on the project form start to finish and will be able to provide our users and local and national law enforcement with a case study.
But really, we’d be lying if we said we didn’t want it to catch out as many criminals as possible.
Real World Project #2
We’ve had countless ideas for real-world projects to catch bike criminals but this second one is the second feasible project we’d like to launch.
By feasible, we mean: affordable, executable, legal and with a good chance of it being successful. We’d love to get to a stage where we can work on this project but as you can see above, we’ve got a long way to go.
Number of motorcycles stolen in the UK each day